Sunday, November 28, 2010

Leaf Party

I woke up this morning and found that our Fruitless Mulberry trees decided to dump every leaf they had, without even making them change colors first! It was practically snowing leaves so I decided to take a photo op.

Amy is seven months-old now and I can't believe it. She has two teeth working their way into her mouth and loves to NOM on anything and everything. She is talkative and curious, but still sensitive and cuddly. I love her thin black hair, her big cheeks, her giant smile, her deep dark eyes and her squeals. This past seven months has been the most challenging in my life, but the most rewarding as well.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Amy the Devourer

The predator stalks her prey, choosing the weakest of the pack for ease of catch. She sneaks silently towards the bovine prey from behind. She can nearly taste it.

Then, in the blink of an eye, she pounces on the prey, latching on to its hind quarters with her powerful jaws. The chase is short, her strength overwhelms the surprised hiefer.

Amy relaxes now that her prey has succumbed to her might, and begins to feed. She is proud of her success, and as the passive observer, I too am in awe of her majesty.

Monday, September 27, 2010

5 Months Already!

Amy is 5 months old this week. The time has gone by so quickly, I can hardly believe how fast she is growing. Here are some Amy facts:

Height- 24"

Weight- Just under 15 lbs

She loves to scream as loud as she can, and make a very silly "ooooh heee" Donkey sound... lol

She loves loves loves her saucer toy, she's definitely a carnivore, because the DESTROYS the pig and cow toys on the saucer.

She loves to eat rice cereal now, and rolls over every chance she gets.

Unfortunately she has become quite fond of sucking her thumb at bedtime.

The bulb syringe is her arch nemesis, followed closely by her daily vitamin

If a dog is playing with a toy near her, she laughs as hard as I do when I watch "Stepbrothers".

She demands to be entertained. If you just want to sit and relax, she wants your ear drums to bleed from her screams.

She is in bed by 8 every night, and wakes up around 3am for some food and again at 6am to enjoy her day!

She will hug me first thing in the morning, it melts my heart.

Her feet are still too small for all but 2 pairs of her shoes, hopefully she will fit into more before it gets cold.

Here are some photos showing her vast array of emotions in just a 5 minute period of time... lol



Thumb Sucking



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

4 Months Old

Today Amy had her 4 month well baby appointment. Alphonso and I had wagered on how much she would weigh. I said 15lbs 8oz, and Fonzo said 14lbs. We both were off of the mark! She weighs a conservative 13lbs 11oz (I guess Fonzo was close...but don't tell him!). She is 25" long now (that's over 2 feet!!) and is in near perfect health! The doctor advised me not to start her on rice cereal just yet, asking me to wait a few more weeks, or until she seems eager to want to try foods or seems unsatisfied with breastmilk.

Another new milestone for Amy this week was that she finally discovered her feet. I went to get her out of her crib on Saturday and both feet were in her hands, she hasn't let go of them since! She loves her saucer toy now, she will sit in it, try to stand, squeal, smack and suck on the toys. Its so fun to see her becoming so baby-like and not so blob-like. Her favorite thing to do now is squeal and babble. She is a real conversationalist. I like to talk to her about politics, television and her daddy.

Speaking of her daddy, he is overjoyed because she finally realizes that he is playing with her! She screams, and laughs hysterically as he puts her over his head or blows on her belly. Seeing how happy she makes him really melts my heart. I have loved Alphonso for almost ten years now, and it is so amazing to see him as a father. I have a whole new type of love for him now, one I could have never known of until Amy came around.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Doheny Fun!

This weekend we took a family camping trip to Doheny Beach with Guy, Heather and Ella. The weather was picture perfect, the RV was comfortable, and the company was great! Our campsite was literally ON the beach! There was nothing but sand between us and the water. The adults seemed to have more fun than the children on this trip, but I bet next year, us adults will be the ones relaxing while the kids run amok! I got some fantastic photos to share with everyone, so here they are:

Heather and Ella enjoyed hanging out on the beach! Unfortunately Ella didn't go anywhere NEAR the water.

Guy was tired and needed a nap... hopefully his skin doesn't blister. lol

This is my favorite pic, its going up on our family photo wall.

Monday, August 16, 2010

She's No Newborn!

Amy is 3 1/2 months old now, sleeping through the night, and enjoying life! I am so incredibly lucky to be able to go to bed and not have to wake up until the morning! She falls asleep around 8 every night, and is up by 7 everyday! She greets me with smiles and loves to watch the world around her. She can no longer claim the title of Screaminator, to my joy. This week I was even able to squeeze her hair into a little bow! She looks adorable even though it doesn't stay in very long. She is changing so much, and as fast as she is changing is as fast as my love is growing. Being a mother is more awesome than I ever thought it would be. I love this darn baby.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Camera Shy

Amy loves to play "The Hand Game" as we call it. She laughs, squeals and smiles when we play this game and last night was no different! I was singing to her and wiggling her arms and she was REALLY loving it, that is until Alphonso got out the video camera to capture the adorableness on film. It was like as soon as she saw the video camera she was DONE with the game. It was hilarious.